Soft doll Lijs brown hair Magic Mushrooms
€ 55,00
(including VAT)
Soft doll / Slappe Lijs doll
This is a slack lice. Made according to the traditional Waldorf style. She is wearing a cotton outfit made of the beautiful fabric Magic Mushrooms by Dollbelge. This fabric features little gnomes, the most beautiful mushrooms and forest animals. Lijs has brown hair! Her scarf is crocheted from alpaca wool. Lijs is stuffed with natural filling wool; clean sheep's wool. Lijs has embroidered grey/blue eyes and light pink mouth. Lovely soft doll for a beginning doll mother. She is about 35 cm long. Lijs cannot be undressed. Her scarf can be undone but her outfit is fixed.
Lijs has a crocheted wig with small buns. These are fixed and cannot be undone. The bows in her hair can be undone.